
High School Athletic Department

High School Sports Schedules

All scheduled events are subject to change. Please use the links below for the most current sports schedules.

Lindsay's Law

Lindsay's Law is about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in youth athletes. This law went into effect in 2017. SCA is the leading cause of death in student athletes 19 years of age or younger. "Youth," as defined by Lindsay's Law,includes all athletes 19 years of age or younger who wish to practice for or compete in athletic activities organized by a school or youth sports organization. One parent or guardian and each athlete participating on a Dover City Schools' team must watch the information video, read the informational page, and sign and return the form related to Lindsay's Law and Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

NCAA Clearing House

If your student athlete is interested in participating in sports at the college level, your child must register with the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse. To learn more about this process or register, select the link below. The Athletic Department also can help you and your student athlete prepare for athletics at the collegiate level.

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