

Board Member


Michael Studer
(330) 602-3305
Kyle Stemple(330) 602-3306
John Maxwell           (330) 602-3304
Brian Hanner (President)        (330) 602-3303
Anne Bruno (Vice-President)(330) 602-3307

All Board of Education meetings will be live-streamed on the Dover City Schools Board of Education YouTube channel on the second Monday of every month at 6:00pm.

Notice of Non-Discrimination and Information on Section 504 Procedures

The Dover City School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the District's non-discrimination policies:

Mrs. Gina Franks, 504 Coordinator
Dover City School District
228 West 6th Street
Dover, Ohio 44662
Telephone number: (330) 364-7124

The Dover City School District has procedures for the referral, evaluation and placement for students with disabilities as required by Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. A copy of the District's procedures can be obtained by contacting the 504 Coordinator.

Child Find

Each year school districts throughout Ohio participate in an effort to identify, locate and evaluate all children, birth through age 21, with disabilities such as multi-handicaps, hearing, visual, orthopedic, social/emotional, health conditions, and/or speech/language handicaps. Anyone aware of a child residing in the Dover City School District who may have one or more of the suspected disabilities, including preschool-age children, should contact Gina Franks, Director of Special Education, at the Dover Schools' Pupil Services Office at (330) 364-7124.
Dover City Schools receives IDEA-B funds for the purpose of the education of children with disabilities. Annually, at the September Board of Education Meeting, discussion will be held regarding how the District will spend its IDEA-B funds and time will be allowed for public comment.

Bullying Report

The Dover City School District is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable environment for our students that is conducive to learning. To ensure the safety of our students and protect them from harmful bullying, the district has provided an easy way for students and parents to report cases of bullying on our campuses.

To report a case of bullying, please call your student's school. For a directory, please click here.

Dover City School District building principals have reported the following number of reported incidences of bullying for the period indicated.

High School1
Middle School1
Dover Avenue Elementary2
East Elementary0
South Elementary0

Report period:July 1, 2021 - Jan. 1, 2022

ARP ESSER Requirements

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides federal resources to support states and local school districts. Recent federal guidance clarifies that districts submit to the state of Ohio a plan that fulfills the requirement that districts publish local “Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans.” 

Each district school should then post the plan on its local website and then submit the plan to the Ohio Department of Education by June 24, 2021. This overall plan is being built upon existing district plans that address many of the elements of the federal requirements. That plan, as submitted, is available here:

During his Feb. 9, 2021, press conference, Governor DeWine asked schools and districts to work with their communities to help students advance and make up for any learning that may have been lost or delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic. He requested that schools and districts design plans to meet the needs of students that could include, but are not limited to, ending the school year later than scheduled, beginning the new year early or extending the school day. Summer programs, tutoring or remote options also could be considered. The governor asked schools and districts to provide their plans to the public and General Assembly no later than April 1.  That plan, as submitted, is located here:

Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Click the links below to view the minutes from recent Board of Education meeting minutes.

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