
Superintendent's Message

A message from our Superintendent...

Karie McCrate Superintendent
Welcome to the Dover City Schools website!

Our district takes immense pride in several areas. We are home to exceptional students and families, bolstered by staff demonstrating unwavering commitment to our schools. Our schools offer a wealth of opportunities, including top-tier academic courses and a diverse range of sports and performing arts programs. We strive to equip both our students and staff with modern and readily accessible technology resources.

One aspect that truly sets our district apart is the strong sense of community. It echoes through our traditions and is continually reinforced by community support. Our Board of Education plays a vital role, offering steadfast backing to our initiatives and consistently advocating for improvement.

One of our primary goals is to provide diverse opportunities for students, foster greater involvement from families and the broader community and ensure our staff feels appreciated and supported in their daily endeavors.  Through our updated Strategic Plan, we've identified specific objectives: the need to evaluate our level of student service supports, including more college and career planning and counseling services; increase our community partnerships and engagement in schools;  and research more innovative use of both physical space and time within each school.

These areas form an integral part of our mission to enhance our schools and stay true to our vision - 'Addressing Tomorrow’s Challenges Today.' We are dedicated to sustaining our successes while constantly striving for improvement. Thank you for joining us on this journey.


Karie McCrate

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